Unit 1: Improving Productivity with IT

Outcome 1: Plan, select and use appropriate IT systems and software to meet needs.

1.2 - Describing methods, skills and resources needed to complete digital projects successfully

To complete a digital project successfully you’ll need a number of skills and tools. A good plan is key to keep track of time scales, to-do lists, on-going tasks, and completed tasks.

You’ll need good communication skills to talk things over with your team to ensure everybody is clear and confident about the task at hand.

Being able to manage and motivate yourself and/or your team is a must-have skill to ensure your projects runs smoothly. Having morning stand-ups with your team will everybody on the same page with what is expected from the day, as well as being able to “Praise loudly; blame softly” – Catherine the Great. [2]

Checking, measuring, and reviewing a project as it progresses against the plan. Adjusting the plan if needed as nothing in life runs as smoothly as you would have expected. This can be a part of team meetings or worked into your solo run project to keep them/yourself on track.

Once a project is complete it’s a good idea to reflect on what was successful, what wasn’t as successful, and why. This will help you/your team improve ready for the next project.

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[2] businessballs.com - Project Management Skills and Techniques

Deigned, Written and Developed by Ashley Edge [June 2020]