Unit 1: Improving Productivity with IT

Outcome 1: Plan, select and use appropriate IT systems and software to meet needs.

1.6 - Describe and provide analysis on how your chosen technologies have helped you achieve your outcomes

Trello has helped me plan and keep myself accountable for this project. It has been a great self-motivator and organiser. I have shared my board with my instructor so he can see where I am up to with my work and give advice if needed.

Git is a version control system. Git can be used in case something goes wrong with my code. For example, I could be working away on my code and notice that all of my text has become misaligned, some changes I made somewhere along the way could be the cause. Instead of combing through all my code looking for the problem I can use Git to reload an earlier version until I can locate the offending change and correct it. [5]

GitHub enables developers to share their code with others, either as a portfolio to show potential employers their work, or to ask others to help/make revisions to the code.

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[5] blog.devmountain.com - Git vs. GitHub: What's the difference?

Deigned, Written and Developed by Ashley Edge [June 2020]