Unit 1: Improving Productivity with IT

Outcome 2: Review and adapt the ongoing use of IT tools and systems to make sure that activities are successful.

2.2 Describe whether the IT tools selected were appropriate E.g. Visual Studio Code, Trello

I used Visual Studio Code to make my website as it’s the one I’m being taught with. As a beginner code developer, I’ve enjoyed using it and have found the program user friendly.

I was required to use Trello.com to plan and manage this project. The Kanban style of planning and organising was great at keeping myself on track. It was also used by my instructor to see how I was getting on as I have been learning at home away from code nation’s classrooms.

As I have been learning to code from my own home, I have found Zoom to be an amazing tool to communicate with my instructor and fellow classmates like I would in a physical classroom setting.

Slack was used to send course materials, share our coding progress with our instructor. Slack could have been fully utilised even more if this was a group project.

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Deigned, Written and Developed by Ashley Edge [June 2020]