Outcome 3: Develop and test solutions to improve ongoing use of IT tools and systems

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Unit 1, Outcome 1
Unit 1, Outcome 2
Unit 2, Outcome 1

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3.1 - Review the benefits and drawbacks of IT tools and systems used in terms of productivity and efficiency – could you have been more efficient when making your website? How? Could you have done it in teams? was effective at keeping me productive and the project on time. VSC enabled me to create this website. If this project was a group effort, we could’ve used each person’s strengths and ideas to create a beautifully complex website in the specified time frame. A team would have utilised slack and the Trello board more to communicate, delegate tasks, and share code and ideas.

3.2 Describe ways to improve productivity and efficiency

To improve my productivity, I took regular breaks to drink water, have a quick snack, and rest my eyes from the computer screen. Getting up every hour to stretch my limbs or participate in a yoga class stopped my body from getting stiff, enabling me to work longer than if I just sat in front of my computer for hours at a time. Watching the pledger talks over Zoom was amazing motivation to crack on with the project, research more HTML and CSS codes to become a better dev. By generally looking after your body with exercise and eating well will keep your mind clear to focus on the task.

3.3 - Develop solutions to improve own productivity using IT in digital projects – what would you do differently next time? Teamwork? Use of Slack?

Next time I would use a team to build a complex and professional website. We would improve productivity through Trello, Slack, and Zoom calls. Plan tasks and delegate “to-do” cards through our team Trello board based on individuals’ strengths. We could help each other through the ‘create a code or text snippet’ on Slack with code we might be struggling with/need a fresh set of eyes to check it. I would make sure each member is drinking enough water, taking enough breaks, and having enough time away from the computer to be able to concentrate and productively work. While working from home having team Zoom calls can boost moral by replacing normal office chit chat and face to face interaction that people would be missing.

3.4 - Describe how you would go about testing digital solutions

To check that my website works and is easily read and navigable it should be tested. I regularly ran through the website myself to make sure I didn’t get lost or stuck. Adding various navigation bars where they were needed to make sure that didn’t happen. Sharing my website folder on Slack and GitHub could bring up errors that I wouldn’t necessarily spot. I would get available friends and family members to navigate through it and work on any feedback presented.


Deigned, Written and Developed by Ashley Edge [June 2020]